
MSQA Program Courses

Credit for Prior Learning

The following ASQ certifications provide 3 units of credit for elective courses in the MSQA program:

  • Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) = QAS 591 | CPL Certified Quality Auditor
  • Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) = QAS 592 | CPL Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence
  • Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) = QAS 593 | CPL Certified Six Sigma Black Belt

For further information, contact Program Coordinator Milton Krivokuca.


MSQA Program Course Descriptions

Core Courses (30 Units)

QAS 510 Advanced Probability and Statistics (3 Units)
A study of measures of central tendency and dispersion, important discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling theory, hypothesis testing and estimation. Linear regression and correlation will also be covered. The use of statistics in testing, inspection, and production will be identified. (Must have completed one semester of College Calculus.)

QAS 511 Quality function Management and TQM (3 Units)
A study of the functions and responsibilities of the quality organization. TQM and ISO concepts, and the tools for continuous improvement are analyzed for sequence of use and deployment.

QAS 512 Reliability (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 510 or permission of MSQA Coordinator
An overview of reliability engineering. Use of mathematical models of prediction, confidence assessment, and systems reliability. Emphasis on practical applications for product or system design.

QAS 513 Statistical Quality Control and Sampling (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 510 or permission of MSQA Coordinator
The application of advanced statistical methodologies to the analysis and solution off quality and management problems, including probability theory, control charts, sampling, regression analysis and the design of experiments. Focus on statistical process control and related quality technologies.

QAS 514 Advanced Experimental Design (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 510 or permission of MSQA Coordinator
Analysis of statistical experimental design strategies. Planning of experiments for the best strategy and objectives.

QAS 515 Human Factors in Quality Assurance (3 Units)
A comprehensive survey of human factors, engineering theory, research and applications which are of particular relevance to quality assurance. A systems framework will be utilized, emphasizing feedback on interrelations among system components, including the human operator. Emphasis will be placed on operator constrains in the design of work processes, workplaces and instrumentation.

QAS 516 Measurement and Testing Techniques (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 510 or permission of MSQA Coordinator
An in-depth discussion of equipment, principles and techniques of measurement assurance.

QAS 518 Quality Project Management and Productivity (3 Units)
An in-depth examination of current theory and techniques in QA project management. Topics include description of project management techniques as well as procedures for evaluating their overall effectiveness and contribution to production and service quality.

QAS 530 Statistical Quality Control for Service Professionals (3 Units)
Techniques for applying Statistical Quality Control (SQC) in controlling processes and delivering customer services are learned. Students will examine methods for establishing and maintaining SPC, QC auditing, and sampling, and continuous improvement in the service, health care, and public sectors.

QAS 531 Customer Satisfaction and Quality Assurance (3 Units)
An in-depth study of current methods for obtaining customer satisfaction. Examines the techniques for determining customer needs and the development of customer service strategy quality control criteria.

QAS 532 Quality Assurance of the Service Delivery Process (3 Units)
Analyzes processes used to deliver service and methods used to assure satisfaction. Examines the relationship of Strategic Quality Planning, the Delivery Process, and the usage of TQC and Quality Assurance to achieve strategic goals.

QAS 598 Directed Research (3 Units)
Prerequisite: completion of 18 units towards the MSQA degree, completion of GWAR, minimum 3.0 GPA
A course of study designed cooperatively by student and instructor, and approved by the Academic Coordinator in which the student will apply quality assurance theory and principles to a particular occupational setting relevant to his/her professional interests and goals. This course is designed to prepare students to begin their Project (see QAS 599.)

QAS 599 Project (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 598S, completion of all other courses in the program or can be taken concurrent with course(s) in final semester. Must have completed the GWAR before enrolling in this course.
The goal of all students enrolled in this culminating course is to complete a project under the guidance of an assigned instructor. It is the culminating learning experience of the program and includes a significant written report. To meet the standards established by the faculty, the project must demonstrate a vigorous scientific approach, use a clearly documented theoretical framework, and demonstrate application to the quality profession.

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Electives (3 Units)

QAS 521 Process Control and Capability (3 Units)
Prerequisites: QAS 513, QAS 514
A detailed study of procedures and methods for performing machine and process capability studies, troubleshooting production and test problems, and maintaining continuous production and process evaluation in manufacturing operations.

QAS 522 Applied Systems Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 512
Analysis of appropriate probabilistic models for system reliability, including the exponential, Weibull, normal and log-normal distributions; life prediction techniques, reliability test program plans, failure modes and effects analysis, Markov models; maintainability concepts, including trade-off between life cycle.

QAS 523 Software Reliability (3 Units)
A study of the theory and application of reliability concepts as they relate to software design and implementation.

QAS 525 ISO 9000 and the Audit Function (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 511 or permission of the instructor
A study of the ISO 9000 series of quality system standards with emphasis on manufacturing and service industry applications. The studies address the standards interpretation, documentation and implementation including preparation for and creation of internal and external audits.

QAS 526 Supplier Quality Assurance (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 511 or permission of the instructor
The coursework encompasses a study of the fundamental quality requirements attendant to the successful procurement and delivery of the end item products or services. It includes the basic supplier issues of specifications, site inspection, selection, rating, certification, and related quality audits.

QAS 527 Quality Measurement (3 Units)
Prerequisite: QAS 511
The study of Quality Metrics and their application throughout the life cycle of a product or service in a business entity. The study includes Quality Standards, Customer Satisfaction, Quality Tools, Continuous Improvement, Cost of Quality, Supplier and System Auditing.

QAS 534 Change Management (3 units)
In depth analysis of current theory, empirical research and best practices related to effective implementation of Quality improvement methodologies that result in desired organizational change, both cultural and operational.

QAS 535 Lean Manufacturing (Also called Lean Thinking) (3 units)
In depth study of the theory and practices of lean production. Covers waste minimization, interrelationships among various components of a system, theories of leadership and management, and process variability reduction.

QAS 536 Six Sigma Principles and Applications (3 units)
In depth study of the application of the six sigma process; covers content of the methodology areas of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) including team concepts, project management, advanced statistical process control and techniques, and measurement systems analysis.

QAS 537 Quality Function Deployment: Understanding Customer Requirements (3 units)
In depth study of the theory and application of the quality management process, Quality Function Deployment, for designing customer requirements into products and services. Course will evaluate the tools of QFD and study their application in analysis of customer requirements.

QAS 538 Evaluation and Outcome Analysis for Healthcare Delivery
Examines operational and statistical techniques used to monitor, control, and improve the quality of services provided by healthcare. Considers the tools of quality and their direct application to practical situations and healthcare processes.

QAS 539 Good Manufacturing Practices (3 units)
FDA Good Manufacturing Practice regulations as applied to medical device (21 CFR 820) and pharmaceutical production (21 CFR 210,211). Device design covers development, manufacturing, quality records, management and organizational requirements. Pharmaceutical includes personnel, facilities and equipment, process and product controls, laboratory, reporting.

QAS 540 Food & Drug Law (3 units)
This course is designed to provide a practical interpretation of the Food and Drug laws and interpretations for professionals who are providing products or services in industries regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

QAS 541 Biomedical Quality Control Methods (3 units)
In depth study of quality control disciplines as applied to medical device, pharmaceutical and/or biologics regulated environments. Topics include influencing discipline and applying models; methods that monitor, maintain and/or improve product or service quality; operational efficiency.

QAS 542 Risk Management in FDA Related Industries (3 units)
Risk Management as applied to FDA-regulated and other industries (product and process-related); emphasizes application of risk management tools, plan and program from inception of product and process until and including manufacturing process and field experience of the product , process or service.

QAS 543 Counterfeit Products (3 units)
This course is designed to help the student learn the basics of suspect/counterfeit items (S/CI) and how to identify them, to develop quality management strategies that will prevent their occurrences, and to resolve them when found by applying quality tools and methodologies. Industries and Governments increasing rely of the Quality Assurance function in their organization to identify and mitigate the risks associated with suspect and counterfeit items. This course applies the current application of quality concepts to address this major concern."

QAS 544 Digitally Transforming Quality 4.0 with Industry 4.0 (3 units)
This course examines contemporary process-related issues and assesses how to develop a digital organizational self-assessment through the application of quality tools and methodologies that contribute to continuous improvement and organizational excellence as appropriate in Industry 4.0.

QAS 545 Laboratory Conformity Assessment
Prerequisite: QAS 511 Quality Function Management and TQM
An in-depth discussion of equipment, principles, and techniques of conformity assessment. Introduction to basic principles and fundamental concepts of quality, quantifying techniques (measurement) as part of the larger, conducing umbrella of conformity, including domestic and international standards, guidelines, and other documents, as well as organizations, addressing the conformity assessment.

QAS 546 Case Studies in Quality
Prerequisite: completion of 18 units towards the MSQA degree, completion of GWAR, minimum 3.0 GPA
Review, analyze, and effectively write responses to situations initiated through quality-based cases and/or scenarios with the intent to apply technical knowledge, critical thinking, and information to practical use in the quality field.

QAS 591 Credit for Prior Learning: Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) (3 units)

QAS 592 Credit for Prior Learning: Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) (3 Units)

QAS 593 Credit for Prior Learning: Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) (3 Units)

QAS 594 Independent Study (1-4 Units)
Independent or group research on special projects under the direction of a full-time faculty member of the MSQA program. Topics may vary. Recent topics have included ISO 9000, the QA Auditing Function, and Quality Concepts in Health Care Services.

QAS 595 Special Topics in Quality (3 Units)
A structured course focused on an issue, concept, or theory in quality that is of interest in a specific area of contemporary quality management systems. 

QAS 600 Project Continuation (0 Units)
Graduate Students may maintain continuing attendance by enrolling in this course.
This course may also be used by students who want to maintain their continuing student status but cannot enroll in other QAS courses at that time.

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